Monday, June 8, 2020

still in the age of innocence

Last week,  during the height of the riots, we pulled down the blinds in the group room for the first time. We also hastily hung up some temporary Ikea blinds that I've had for years, the accordion kind you tape to the ceiling, in the yoga room. We didn't have enough of them so we had to use a cotton candy pink fleece throw blanket to cover up one window. In the meantime, we put our cans in the garage along with the flammables, the tools. Even closing the bathroom window did little to block out the sirens. All night long the cars ignored the curfew, a steady stream, some unlicensed, down our semi busy street.

We watched comedies to distract. And when the boy went downstairs to fetch something, noting all the new window coverings, he said, "What's with the yoga room? Are we redecorating or something?"

"Why, yes. Yes, yes, we are."