Monday, October 6, 2014

at the bus stop this morning

Mama?  Do you sometimes take the alley back home after I get picked up by the bus?

We usually walk down the street to the bus stop, but when we have trash or recycling, we go the alley. I usually walk back home on the street and wave at the bus when it goes by, but sometimes I take the alley because I don't want to run into people on the sidewalk or deal with street noise, etc, that early in the morning.

Sometimes I do, honey.


Oh, I don't know...  It's—

It's quicker?

Well, no, it's not quicker... it's quieter...

Oh. Why else do you take the alley?

Well... sometimes I just want a different route. Or sometimes I like to walk around the block.... something different. It's a nice time to take a walk.

Which way are you going to walk today?  he asks.

I consider maybe that Jude would prefer the consistency of me waving to him and the bus when it goes by.

Which do you prefer I take, honey? When I wave I can't really see you, but I just wave knowing you'll see me.

I can see you, Jude says.

So would you prefer I walk down the street and wave, honey?

You could take the alley, he says.

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