Thursday, May 4, 2017

"okay honey..."

Lately you are calling everyone honey. You're like Midori the parrot in San Diego. You say what you hear. You've been hearing me call you honey for so long, now it's "Okay Honey..." to just about everyone.

Noah and I are laughing still about being in San D and you saying goodnight to all the cousins, and then, to me, out in the living room, reminding me to tuck you in for final night night, you go, "See you in bed, honey!"

Well. That too some explaining to the cousins.

And of course, lately in piano... and I keep forgetting to remind you that "honey" is only for... well... family. But you keep on keeping on in piano lessons. Teacher J tells you to play this or that or try this or that and after a few "No!"s you finally aquiescce with a booming "okay honey..." in that little drawl you've taken in from somewhere.

You saw me bite my lip to keep from laughing last Tuesday.

Oh, honey... you are all the good nectar of every honey berry sunshine there is.

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