Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Yesterday Jude turned six, but we celebrated all week. The annual party at the Red House followed by the Malt Shop outing on his actual birthday. He's so excited he takes one bite of his birthday sundae and then says he is done.

Yesterday, still on his birthday, he asked, "Mama when do I get to have another birthday?"

Well... in a year, honey, I said. When you turn seven.

Too long to wait. "Mama, can I turn seven while I'm still six?"


The night before driving around on 44th and France, we pass the gargantuan liquor store, with Wine in the  name, I think.  Anyway, tonight he took a particular interest even though we drive by it frequently.

Is that a museum, Mama? he wants to know.
Some might say, I say, but no honey.
Is it a dentists' office?
What is it?
It's a wine shop.
A wine shop?
You mean its' a place where people go and whine?
Well...subliminally I suppose.
What's sublimillleee mean?
Oh nothing honey. We can talk about that when you are older.  But you are brilliant. I think a whine shop where people go to wine is the best idea I have heard in a long time! If people were allowed to wine, esp adults, they might not need as much wine!

I tell him about LOVELAND, the fictional city I am building beneath The Beach, where storefronts of the future will reflect peace, love, community. The shop of unconditional love, the laud shop, the hug store, etc...

We practice whining for a while.

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