Tuesday, July 23, 2013

So Mama...

well, the questioning continues. "So Mama... tell me about a time you drowned... (drownded)..." Interestingly enough, this streak of curiosity seems to coincide with an increased refusal to answer any questions or any kind. "Mama, I'm not answerin any more questions. That's all you need to know. So just forget about it. Forget everything. Forget me. Forget you. Forget everything."

Still, I love his being curious. It means he is developing interest in others, I tell myself. Dada wonders what he is up to. What's he getting at with all these questions.

anyway, coming home from camping eating at Bette's Pies, Jude was on a mad asking streak, but I was exhausted so I directed him to Noah. Ask Noah about all the times he got in trouble and had to go to jail, broke bones, threw up, etc...

Jude is fascinated with puking and shared about the 3 times he recalls getting sick. Then: "Do you want to know once how my dad got sick and throwed up?"

"No!" we both said.

"Well, he got the virus that I got and it went to his stomach and he throwed up. And you know what he throwed up? Cabbage."

Eventually: "So Noah... tell me about all the times you started fires..."

The wild mushroom burger nearly came out my nose. I suddenly pictured sweet Noah in leather and chains hanging out with riffraff in dark alleys. Once recovered, we realized Jude had gotten "started fires" somehow from an earlier disclosure on how Noah once got "fired" (under the "tell me about a time you got in trouble" round of questions) from a job for using liquid dish soap in the dishwasher.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Mama, what are you most afraid of?

Well Jude...when I your age I was afraid of a lot of things.
Yeah, like what? What real things were you afraid of?
Well... like cockroaches...
And what else?
Well... monsters... and sometimes elevators....
You mean because of the doors closing on you?
That sort of thing. One time grandma Leen was yellin at me to get out of the elevator and she was already out and I was afraid the doors would close because I had waited too long.
Yeah, and what else?
Well... I was afraid of bullies...
What kind of bullies?

We went on for a while about bullies.
Yeah, and what else were you afraid of when you were little?
Well... the dark sometimes...

This went on for a while. I thought of everything I could think of.

Mama? We're you ever afraid of a glove that moved all by itself?

I'm sure I was, honey.
How about a candle floating in the air?
For sure.

After that we moved on to Mama, tell me about the times you got in trouble and tell me about the times you got sick.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Mama, why can't you use cell phones on planes?

Well, Jude, because they need all the air fresh up there....

Mama, that doesn't mean nothing...  How can talking on the phones make the air bad?

THey need all the air they can use to fly the plane...

I still don't get it.

.... Well, all the sound waves need all the air space they need to fly the plane....

Oh, I get this...