Wednesday, December 10, 2014

before school (6.30 am) yesterday morning

The zombie theme continues, as does talk of dreams. In between bites of Cheerios...

"Well, so, last night I dreamt-ed that me and Noah were working at Target as security guards."

"Uh-huh," I say. "You and Noah, huh?"

"Only I was about 17," he clarifies.

And Noah? How old was he?

"Oh, about the age he is now. Like 40."


After their shift is over, they both start walking to their cars. And then suddenly—for this he has to stand up and act the rest of the dream out. "We hear a noise that sounds like this..." He makes a screeching sound.

"And then we both feel something attack our left upper leg, right here." He shows me where.

"And then we both back up like this..." He walks slowly backwards, mouth agape.

"Be careful of Buddha, honey," I say, for he gets very involved in his acting, compromising spacial relations.

He stops. "And then suddenly..."

The zombies come. It's mayhem. It's the end of the world. There's like hundreds of them. The two of them against the zombies.

"So we had to call for help. We needed help to kill the zombies."

Who did you call?

The police.


"But there was no place for them to park."

"Oh. So they had to park far and walk, did they?" I smile, feeling in on a joke he is clearly not making.

"But then guess what?"


"Well. Suddenly the entire Target parking lot was full of flesh and police cars."

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